Saturday 5 February 2022

War gaming and decision making


I had been thinking of writing something useful and spreading what i believe needs lot of attention. From futuristic point, some ideas and terms are attracting research and becoming multi billion dollar industry.

One of them is war gaming!!

Lets see it from military point of view 

NATO defines the term war gaming as “a simulation of a military operation, by whatever means, using specific rules, data, methods and procedures”. A typical war game involves representation of a combat situation being played by two sided adversarial players. Although by NATO definition a war game is not a tool for analysis rather than a tool for determining possible outcome of a laid down scenario. However, since the method itself provides opportunity of interaction between players acting as opposing forces, the outcome of these interactions can be studied for tailoring to own requirement. Therefore, a war game can be used to enable decision makers in understanding dynamics of war and in optimizing the decision making process of planning, acquisition, deployment and execution phases of a combat. It is this unique replication of near realism which simulates the outcome and answers our anticipation of ‘what will happen in battlefield’. Unlike other Operational Research techniques, war gaming simulates employment of our weapon mix in a given combat situation where the results can be analyzed to determine causes of win or loss.

Simply it is just like any other computer based game such as Street Fighter, Taken, FIFA and so on. So they actually prepare you for real time scenarios.  

 Do they have use in our daily lives, professoin,....?

yes Big time......

and we will discuss that later. kids are crying...!!

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