Saturday, 19 February 2022

Operational Gaming and decision making


Since the purpose of my previous writings has been to create awareness regarding operations research and its efficacy in our decision making cycle. I found these definitions easy to comprehend. Here they go;

A simulation in which decision making is performed by one or more real decision makers is called “operational gaming.” Such simulations are commonly used in the study of interactions of decision makers as in competitive situations. Military gaming has long been used as a training device, but only relatively recently has it been used for research purposes. There is still considerable difficulty, however, in drawing inferences from operational games to the real world.

Experimental optimization is a means of experimenting on a system so as to find the best solution to a problem within it. Such experiments, conducted either simultaneously or sequentially, may be designed in various ways, no one of which is best in all situations.

Definitions taken from britannica 

Monday, 7 February 2022

LIGHT A LAMP FOR IT IS THE DARK HOUR.: Modeling and Simulation War gaming and Synthetic E...

LIGHT A LAMP FOR IT IS THE DARK HOUR.: Modeling and Simulation War gaming and Synthetic E...:  So in previous article we have talked about War gaming.  Its seems so but believe me its very safer than war itself and it has little to wi...

Modeling and Simulation War gaming and Synthetic Environement

 So in previous article we have talked about War gaming. 

Its seems so but believe me its very safer than war itself and it has little to with war. The name WAR got stick to it may be because it looks more appealing or perhaps has been used by military organizations 'vocally' so much that it became War Gaming. I like the term and the power of realism within it so much that time and again I want to emphasize the use of it. Understanding the key concept being the key. So lets see the following graph taken from a reference book:

The loop diagram explain the difference between the three. 

War gaming
Synthetic Environment

The war game sits on the top of the other two. Simply because the decision maker immersion power. You must have played board games, chess in your part of the world. Have you noticed how deeply involve the player is during each of the move. The process for each move is slow but involves human in the loop so much deeper extent. Synthetic environments and modeling have their own advantages of speed and dynamic scalability but involves lot of cost.  So its just like playing FIFA on PS4; you would need to set up a gaming station. Why not simply buy a football and catch the field. Cost versus immersion? 

But what makes these war games so interesting and reason of their novel use in strategy making houses of big businesses and think tanks? 

They introduce probability over absoluteness!! and we shall talk about that. 

Saturday, 5 February 2022

War gaming and decision making


I had been thinking of writing something useful and spreading what i believe needs lot of attention. From futuristic point, some ideas and terms are attracting research and becoming multi billion dollar industry.

One of them is war gaming!!

Lets see it from military point of view 

NATO defines the term war gaming as “a simulation of a military operation, by whatever means, using specific rules, data, methods and procedures”. A typical war game involves representation of a combat situation being played by two sided adversarial players. Although by NATO definition a war game is not a tool for analysis rather than a tool for determining possible outcome of a laid down scenario. However, since the method itself provides opportunity of interaction between players acting as opposing forces, the outcome of these interactions can be studied for tailoring to own requirement. Therefore, a war game can be used to enable decision makers in understanding dynamics of war and in optimizing the decision making process of planning, acquisition, deployment and execution phases of a combat. It is this unique replication of near realism which simulates the outcome and answers our anticipation of ‘what will happen in battlefield’. Unlike other Operational Research techniques, war gaming simulates employment of our weapon mix in a given combat situation where the results can be analyzed to determine causes of win or loss.

Simply it is just like any other computer based game such as Street Fighter, Taken, FIFA and so on. So they actually prepare you for real time scenarios.  

 Do they have use in our daily lives, professoin,....?

yes Big time......

and we will discuss that later. kids are crying...!!

Thursday, 18 April 2019

Opposing winds

What has kept me running and flying high to achieve my goals.
Out of course many factors, one most prominent has been 'opposing winds'.

Starting from entering into a 'mohalla cricket team' to becoming a captain of my school, winning a speech competition to securing academic has been all those people who thought i would not be able to make it. Their constant wish for my failure kept me striking hard every time i could not.

The thought that people who envy me would be happy on my failure pushed me to make upset. To shatter their faith on their evil wishes and beliefs, prove them wrong. And yes, to lend hand to people like me.

It is just your perception. Way of looking how the stage appears. Nothing is inherited, nothing stays forever and no one has the birth right for claiming success. I met lot of people who thought they were genius like Einstein, the remaining was propagated through sheer propaganda of their parents.

I always told myself. "Farishtay aa kar apko ilm nae dain gay. Ilhaam nae ho ga apko". You have to work your way through. You have to become genius. Like a popular saying, genius is not something you are, its something you do. Intelligence is not something you have by birth, its a trait you have to develop. It does not stay there with you always; you have to keep it there with you with an effort.

Remember you consistent hard work, struggle and determination to shape your destiny will lay path for your constant achievements.

And now my nature is such that i can't fly without opposing winds. I love them when they come hard at me. Without you, i am just a bored lazy man.

Iqbal nay kaha tha...bad e mukhalif say na ghubra....! agay ap google kar lain.

JazaKaAllah Khair. 

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

U turn. Who are you?

LIGHT A LAMP FOR IT IS THE DARK HOUR.: Who are you?: I bought myself a red jacket today. Its not the jacket that is really thoughtful, instead its the red color. I never liked red color. Or...

So are the one too who is doing things he never liked. ? 

Have you started taking u turns. 

Sunday, 3 February 2019

Choice, Judgement or perception

I bought myself a red jacket today.
Its not the jacket that is really thoughtful, instead its the red color.

I never liked red color. Or more colorful colors.....bright shiny. I always had the feeling that bright colors are attractive and therefore feminine. They don't have grace.

But now my feelings changed. I now feel that colors are independent of gender or sex. After all, we do not have a written code of conduct for colors. Who said that bright colors like yellow, red and even pink are feminine.

After all why do you shop pink for a baby girl? Who told you that.? Who made this perception that pink is to be worn by girls.

Colors. ....So I bought myself a red jacket.

Its not the debate of perception of colors....its my changing behavior. May be if the clock reverses, i might buy a black jacket or a blue or anything else.

'He is shy and interacts very little with his class fellows' - I had this complement written on report card during my early classes till the time when it changed into.

'Has got immense confidence, talented but very talkative'

And i donot know what i am now. Do you know yourself.?

Do we really know ourselves?

"My kid is really talented" - If you live around people who have kids, you will often hear this from them.
Every parent thinks that his/her kid is talented. Till the time it turns out to be other way round.
When your mother says that my son likes 'Aalo k parathay'....

Do you really like 'aalo k parathay'?

Or is it just a perception? And you submitted yourself to this perception?

So how does the behavior of wives is quite closely related to nature. They unconsciously recognize the wilderness we live in. She knows that even her husband does not know himself, So when he says trust me.....he means that.....but he never knows when the coin will flip.
So she rightfully keeps a close eye on his activities.....
most of the time, husbands get caught red-handed.

As statisticians and psychologists predict about human behavioral variance in cognitive domain - though they know nothing at all, except building and forcing down a perception which few of them created.

So, what is which makes you ----YOU. Who are you?