Monday, 7 February 2022

Modeling and Simulation War gaming and Synthetic Environement

 So in previous article we have talked about War gaming. 

Its seems so but believe me its very safer than war itself and it has little to with war. The name WAR got stick to it may be because it looks more appealing or perhaps has been used by military organizations 'vocally' so much that it became War Gaming. I like the term and the power of realism within it so much that time and again I want to emphasize the use of it. Understanding the key concept being the key. So lets see the following graph taken from a reference book:

The loop diagram explain the difference between the three. 

War gaming
Synthetic Environment

The war game sits on the top of the other two. Simply because the decision maker immersion power. You must have played board games, chess in your part of the world. Have you noticed how deeply involve the player is during each of the move. The process for each move is slow but involves human in the loop so much deeper extent. Synthetic environments and modeling have their own advantages of speed and dynamic scalability but involves lot of cost.  So its just like playing FIFA on PS4; you would need to set up a gaming station. Why not simply buy a football and catch the field. Cost versus immersion? 

But what makes these war games so interesting and reason of their novel use in strategy making houses of big businesses and think tanks? 

They introduce probability over absoluteness!! and we shall talk about that. 

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