Sunday, 3 February 2019

Choice, Judgement or perception

I bought myself a red jacket today.
Its not the jacket that is really thoughtful, instead its the red color.

I never liked red color. Or more colorful colors.....bright shiny. I always had the feeling that bright colors are attractive and therefore feminine. They don't have grace.

But now my feelings changed. I now feel that colors are independent of gender or sex. After all, we do not have a written code of conduct for colors. Who said that bright colors like yellow, red and even pink are feminine.

After all why do you shop pink for a baby girl? Who told you that.? Who made this perception that pink is to be worn by girls.

Colors. ....So I bought myself a red jacket.

Its not the debate of perception of colors....its my changing behavior. May be if the clock reverses, i might buy a black jacket or a blue or anything else.

'He is shy and interacts very little with his class fellows' - I had this complement written on report card during my early classes till the time when it changed into.

'Has got immense confidence, talented but very talkative'

And i donot know what i am now. Do you know yourself.?

Do we really know ourselves?

"My kid is really talented" - If you live around people who have kids, you will often hear this from them.
Every parent thinks that his/her kid is talented. Till the time it turns out to be other way round.
When your mother says that my son likes 'Aalo k parathay'....

Do you really like 'aalo k parathay'?

Or is it just a perception? And you submitted yourself to this perception?

So how does the behavior of wives is quite closely related to nature. They unconsciously recognize the wilderness we live in. She knows that even her husband does not know himself, So when he says trust me.....he means that.....but he never knows when the coin will flip.
So she rightfully keeps a close eye on his activities.....
most of the time, husbands get caught red-handed.

As statisticians and psychologists predict about human behavioral variance in cognitive domain - though they know nothing at all, except building and forcing down a perception which few of them created.

So, what is which makes you ----YOU. Who are you?

Friday, 1 February 2019

Slow and steady wins the race - Part II

We all at some stage of life have naively seen that absurdly moral full cartoon story where a fast hare/rabbit lost a running race to a tortoise/turtle.
Since my childhood, i always wanted to meet the directed or writer of the story. I wanted to ask him so many questions.

Image result for hare and tortoise
Why would a hare sleep for so long in the middle of a race.
What was the speed differential between turtle and hare?
What was the time lapse which enabled turtle to cover up all the distance.
Did the stage was already a setup? And the turtle knew that the hare will fall sleep? was it a drama? And hare was paid for sleeping in the middle of the race?

Was he?

You know what actually happened?
The true story has been narrated by our all ears-Fox.

Image result for hare and tortoise
The hare was paid by the elephant who bought the race and made millions out of it. Everyone thought that the hare would win, it was so obvious. So everyone bet on hare. It was only the elephant who placed his assets on the turtle.
Why......because of color. There was deep deep jungle politics involved. Turtle was slow and had skin which matched the skin texture of elephant. He was slow like him. But he wanted to give out a message to compete for upcoming poll.
The entire race was setup by him.
Stakes were really high. Everyone thought that the elephant is the only real friend of Khandaan-e-Turtle who rejected the quite obvious and instead placed in money on turtle.
Turtle knew from the start that he will loose the race. He was never consistent nor motivated. The only thing which kept him running was the pity on elephant who placed all his revenue on him.
He just said to himself  'Tankha halal kar deta hun, bas'

Backstage, elephant bought loyalty of hare who was a true sportsman. Always on sale for higher bet.
after all who plays for the match fee, its the backstage money which buys all the cars and half dressed bitches.

Finally, as part of the deal, hare intentionally fell asleep. He woke up twice in between but got a call from the agent that the poor turtle is only half way through. So he had to sleep for an entire day to let the turtle win.
Everyone was shocked when the race ended. Lion's throne was totally abused. lion had his money on hare too. Half of the forest treasury.
Elephant won the entire fortune which was nearly equal to the entire stock of three states of jungles.
As promised he gave 25 percent of the share to the hare, who later left the jungle for Banana republic to pursue a luxurious life.
The turtle!.......he just got the trophy-made out of pure steel. He is still living a poor and neglected life.

The moral :

Do not bet in a race. Its all staged up. Drama hai drama.